Ep 14: Nourishing Little Ones – Your Guide to Whole Foods and Happy Eating with Francesca Newell

As a mother, there is nothing more important to us than the health and well-being of our children. That's why I am so passionate about holistic nutrition and the power of food to nourish my little one. In my journey as a mother, I have come to realize that nutrition is not just about filling our children's bellies; it is about building a strong foundation for their long-term health and happiness. That's why I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to speak with Francesca Newell, the founder of Feed Baby Love. In our conversation, we delved into the world of holistic nutrition, the importance of feeding babies, and the steps we can take to support their growth and development.

Francesca shared with me the three pillars of building a strong foundation of health for our babies: 

Whole Foods Approach: The first pillar revolves around adopting a whole foods approach. This involves feeding babies minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. The focus is on items like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. The idea is to provide wholesome, real foods that contribute to the baby's overall health and development.

Variety: The second pillar highlights the importance of variety in a baby's diet. We need to expose babies to a diverse range of foods, including different textures, flavors, and colors. Many of the moms struggle with introducing new foods like fruits and veggies to babies sometimes, babies don't like the new textures and flavors, making it a bit of a challenge. By introducing variety early on, parents can encourage healthy eating habits and preferences.

Knowing the Child as an Individual: The third pillar emphasizes the individuality of each child. Francesca encourages parents to understand their child's unique needs, preferences, and responses to different foods. This involves paying close attention to the child's mood and symptoms after eating, allowing you to make informed decisions tailored to your child's specific requirements. 

Now, let’s learn what are the most important nutrients that our baby needs and what food we can got them. We have: 

  1. Iron - it is crucial for babies' growth and development, and it can be found in foods such as red meat, fish, and egg yolks.

  2. Omega-3 fatty acids - particularly DHA, play a vital role in brain development and can be obtained from oily fish or algae-based supplements.

  3. Vitamin D3 - it is essential for bone health and can be found in foods like butter, oily fish, and fortified milk.

  4. Choline - this is less well known but can help our baby's development, particularly to the brain. Eggs, brussel sprouts, salmon, poultry, and lentils are the great source of Choline.

  5. Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth and can be obtained from sources such as dairy products, sardines, and chia seeds.

Feeding our babies in a way that supports their growth and development can be challenging, especially in a society that is dominated by processed and ultra-processed foods. When our children enter daycare, nursery, or school, where they may be exposed to unhealthy food choices it’s important for us parents to voice our concerns and work together to create change in these environments.

However, research has shown that children who join their families for meals at the table have healthier food intake, reduced fussiness, and greater food enjoyment. Family meals also provide an opportunity for children to learn about using cutlery, modeling chewing and swallowing safely, and absorbing the social aspects of mealtime. So sit down together as a family and create a social experience around food.

Francesca Newell is a certified baby nutrition consultant having studied at the Oh Baby School of Holistic Nutrition, whose ‘real food’ philosophy is built on a foundation of traditional wisdom combined with the latest evidence-based scientific research. Francesca lives in the UK with her husband and their two children, Cecilia (3) and Mikio (11 months). She supports parents in navigating the transition from milk to solids with a range of products and services for babies and toddlers between 4 and 24 months.

If you're starting to introduce solid meals for your kids this is a must read! -- Milk to Meals: A Guide to Starting Solids

Instagram: @feedbabylove
Website: www.feedbabylove.co.uk -- for 1-1 and group sessions!

You can also follow these Instagram to learn more about feeding babies:
@boobtofood and @westonaprice

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

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