Ep 5: Mama Instinct, Generational Healing and Support Systems with Nurse, Rachel Craig

Parenthood is a journey like no other. It's a wild ride filled with love, laughter, and countless moments of sheer joy. But let's not kid ourselves. It can also be incredibly challenging, lonely, and downright exhausting at times. If you're a parent, you'll know exactly what I mean.

Let me be the one to tell you: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Parenting can be an isolating experience. Don’t worry Mama, there is a vast and
loving community out there ready to embrace you. We're all on this journey together, riding the waves of parenthood. And while each of our paths may look different - underlying emotions, challenges, and joys unite us.

For those new to this adventure, it's crucial to establish a support system. Parenthood is an incredibly transformative experience. But it can be overwhelming without the right guidance and community. In this episode, I and Rachel share each other’s experiences that can help you as a new Mama.

  1. Importance of following your Mama's gut - Do not underestimate your Mama instinct! It’s your superpower, you’re a supermom! There might be experts or professionals who tell you everything is okay with your children. But once you feel something isn't right, you have to believe it more. Your mama instinct is a powerful tool that can help you make decisions about your child's well-being. So, embrace and trust your mama's gut because it's a compass that can lead you on an incredible journey of motherhood.

  2. Generational Healing: Breaking the Cycle - The way we were parented plays a significant role in how we parent our own children. It's like a relay race, passing the baton from one generation to the next. Sometimes, we inherit patterns and behaviors from our parents, both good and not-so-good ones. Generational healing is about breaking free from those patterns that no longer serve us or our children. It's about conscious parenting and choosing a different path, one that's filled with love, understanding, and empathy.

  3. Supporting Mamas - Parenting can be a lonely journey at times. It's during those sleepless nights or moments of self-doubt that we realize the importance of having a village. As parents, we need support, and we deserve it. So, how can we support mamas on this incredible, sometimes overwhelming, journey? It starts with slowing down and accepting help. Moms, you don't have to do it all. Let others cook for you, clean for you, and be your village. Your role? Bond with your baby and embrace self-care.

For everyone else, remember that holding the baby isn't always helping the mom. Moms need nourishing food, a clean house, and a shoulder to lean on. Be part of a more authentic community that truly supports one another.

As you navigate the world of parenting, know that there's a whole community of moms and dads out here cheering you on. We've been through the sleepless nights, the diaper changes, and the endless love that comes with raising a child. You are not alone on this journey, Mama. You are doing an amazing job!

If you’re a new mama feeling a bit overwhelmed by the adventure of motherhood, do not worry! @heymamarach has courses that can help you in doing some first aid with your little ones and even guide for breastfeeding if you struggling with this. These courses got you covered!

Rachel (@heymamarach) is a maternal/infant registered nurse, lactation counselor, and mom. She is the founder of Hey, Mama Rach - an inclusive and supportive space for parents. Rachel had her first baby in April of 2022 and quickly realized support for parents was severely lacking. So, she work to provide education and courses that help prepare parents for their newborn baby. The majority of parents prepare for the birth of their baby, but what about when they are here? She want to normalize education because when we prepare....we feel more confident! She currently have an infant first aid and breastfeeding course available. You can get 1:1 Lactation Support with her, or sign up for her week of texting support for when baby arrives! Her hope is that all parents—whether birthing or adopting—will feel confident and prepared. 

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

Please subscribe to the pod and leave a review! Message our team @themamaculture or or email us at hello@themamaculture.com to let us know and as a thank you, I will send you a free Mama E-book that will support you on your journey! :) 

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Ep 6: The Way of Life as a Mama Entrepreneur in Bali with Talia Di Giulio


Ep 4: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Mama - Get Prepared for The Journey!