Ep 6: The Way of Life as a Mama Entrepreneur in Bali with Talia Di Giulio

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, many Mamas find themselves standing at a crossroads. The choice between a stable 9-5 job and the entrepreneurial path can be daunting, especially when our little ones are in the picture. You know, the typical 9-5 gig might promise a steady paycheck, but let's be real, it's about as flexible as a rock.

Now, if you're eyeing that entrepreneurial path (and who could blame you?), you're in for a thrilling ride! Research shows a whopping 70% of mamas find more joy and flexibility in diving into their own businesses. 

Inspired by the empowering conversations of Mama Entrepreneurs - Me and Talia. We're talking real tips, real laughs, and a real chance to rock your mama entrepreneur journey! So, grab your latte (or, let's be honest, your lukewarm coffee from three hours ago), and let's kickstart this adventure, one baby step at a time! 💪✨

3 Tips for Achieving a Succesful Mama Entrepreneur Life:

  1. Identify Your Passion: Your journey begins with introspection. Discover what truly ignites your spirit. Whether it's crafting, wellness services, or sustainable fashion, identifying your passion will be the cornerstone of your entrepreneurial venture. This aligns with Me and Talia’s emphasis on finding your truth and letting your heart guide your choices.

  2. Find Your Tribe:  Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Whether it's fellow mothers, friends, or online communities, having a tribe can provide immense strength and encouragement. Me and Talia are so grateful for Bali. This supportive environment allows us to thrive both personally and professionally. The island's serene atmosphere and welcoming community provide the perfect backdrop for us entrepreneurial mamas to find our tribe, exchange ideas, and grow together.

    Join to our
    Mama Culture Village and experience the perfect backdrop for us entrepreneurial mamas to find our tribe, exchange ideas, and grow together.

  3. Shaping Your Money Blueprint: Understanding the influence of your financial mindset, as demonstrated by Talia's experience of taking a loan at 29 to start her business, is essential. In her e-book, Talia spills the beans on how she transformed her cash concerns into cash confidence! It's not just a guide; it's your backstage pass to the financial freedom concert. Read here the Money Mastery Workbook, and you'll find yourself giggling, nodding, and saying, "Aha! That's how you do it!"

And there you have it, mama! The entrepreneurial journey might have its twists and turns, but armed with passion, a supportive tribe, and a solid money mindset, you're well on your way to rocking your mama entrepreneur life! Join our Mama Culture Village and drop some ideas make it fun and natural tone

After leaving her full-time job in Sydney, Australia, in 2019, Tal decided to relocate to Bali, Indonesia, and live on the barefoot island. Stepping into the world of affiliate marketing, she has retired from the 9-5, created a six-figure income in the online space, and dived head first into her passion of coaching women. A Transformation coach, Tal is activating and waking all millennials and mummas around the world, and empowering them to be fully seen and expressed in their visions!

She has recently become a mum to her two month old Alora Maya, and is merging the worlds of entreprenuship and mum life from a divine and sacred, feminine place!

Connect with her
@taliawdigiulio or listen to her podcast: Wealthy, Wild + Free

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

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Ep 7: What is Mom Brain Actually? with Chelsey Conaboy


Ep 5: Mama Instinct, Generational Healing and Support Systems with Nurse, Rachel Craig