Ep 7: What is Mom Brain Actually? with Chelsey Conaboy

So, you’ve recently brought a little bundle of joy into the world, and suddenly, you find yourself forgetting where you put your car keys, walked into a room, or even brushed your teeth this morning. Ah, the infamous "mom brain" a term that often gets tossed around humorously. But what if I told you it’s not just a punchline? In fact, it’s a testament to the incredible changes happening inside your brain!

What’s Up with Mom Brain? 🧠

Picture this: your brain, that powerhouse of thoughts and emotions, undergoing a makeover. During pregnancy and beyond, it's like a master artist at work, rearranging its neural canvas. These changes? They're not glitches; they're upgrades! Your brain forms new connections, supercharging your ability to multitask, empathize, and be an all-around superhero mom!

Neuroscience: What Really Happens to a Mama Brain

These changes did you experience after birth? It's all connected to the neurological changes that happen post-motherhood. Your brain's structure literally adapts to enhance your caregiving abilities. New neural pathways form, shaping a brain that's more attuned to your little one’s needs. This isn't just forgetfulness; it's a sign of your brain fine-tuning itself to be the best mom it can be.

If you want to know more about how neuroscience rewriting the story of parenthood - read Chelsea Conaboy’s book: MOTHER BRAIN. This book gives me so much insight into the incredible changes happening in a mother's brain, As a mother, I've gained newfound confidence and a deeper appreciation for the strength within me, knowing that the changes in my brain are not just normal but essential for nurturing and caring for my little one. 💖

Valuable Takeaways for Super Mamas:

  • Embrace the Chaos: Mom brain is a sign of growth and love. Embrace the chaos; it means your brain is adapting beautifully to your new role.

  • Stay Present: Practice mindfulness to stay grounded in the whirlwind of mom life. It’s okay if you misplace your phone; what matters is you’re present with your little one.

  • Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to lean on your support system. Whether it’s your partner, family, or friends, asking for help doesn’t make you any less of a super mom.

  • Self-compassion is Key: Be kind to yourself. You’re doing an amazing job, even on days when mom's brain feels a bit overwhelming.

  • Celebrate Your Wins: Every moment of motherhood is a win. Celebrate the smiles, the hugs, and the laughter. Those are the moments that truly matter.

So, dear mamas, revel in the wonders of mom's brain. It's not just a phase; it's a remarkable journey of transformation and love. Embrace the changes, savor the small victories, and remember, you're creating beautiful memories with your little one. Here's to your incredible mom's brain and all the love it holds.

Chelsea is a health and science journalist. She started her career at the small but mighty Concord Monitor in New Hampshire, where she discovered her love for narrative writing. She wrote about health care at the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Boston Globe, and she was part of the Globe staff that won the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news for coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings. For three years, she led the features report at the Portland Press Herald in Maine, where she edited weekly sections on arts and entertainment, books, food, and sustainable living.

Connect with her @taliawdigiulio and visit her website https://www.chelseaconaboy.com/

MOTHER BRAIN: Get your copy on Amazon or Apple Books

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

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