Ep 4: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Mama - Get Prepared for The Journey!

Hey there, lovely readers and fellow mamas-to-be! Today, I want to dive into a topic that's close to my heart – the beautiful journey of becoming a mother. It's an incredible ride filled with anticipation, joy, and sometimes a touch of anxiety. If you're on the path to motherhood or dreaming about it, you're in the right place.

Becoming a mother is a life-altering experience, one that brings about profound change and transformation. You may have many questions, doubts, and emotions swirling within you. How do you prepare yourself for the beautiful adventure ahead? Well, I've got you covered with 10 tips that will help you get ready, both physically and emotionally, for the rollercoaster of motherhood.

Tip 1: Get your home life ready - Preparing for motherhood goes beyond just physical health and emotional readiness. It's essential to ensure that your home environment is ready to welcome a new member into the family. But it's not just about the physical aspect; it's also about fostering a sense of love and security within your home, where your baby can thrive and grow in a warm and supportive atmosphere.

Tip 2: Support your body by stacking up on vital nutrients - To ensure a healthy pregnancy, it's crucial to stack up on vital nutrients. Proper nutrition not only promotes a healthy pregnancy but also supports your baby's development. Remember, a well-nourished body is better equipped to handle the demands of pregnancy and motherhood.

Tip 3: Come into right relationship with your cycle and with the moon - Coming into a harmonious relationship with your menstrual cycle and syncing it with the moon's phases can be a transformative experience on your journey to motherhood. Our bodies, like the moon, follow natural rhythms, and understanding this connection can help you better navigate the changes that pregnancy brings.

Tip 4: The timeline - One of the most common questions that arise when contemplating motherhood is, "When is the right time to have a baby?" The idea of timing often stirs both excitement and anxiety, especially when partners have differing perspectives. It's crucial to remember that baby spirits have their own unique timelines, and sometimes they don't align perfectly with our plans.

Tip 5: Be with the emotions - The journey to motherhood is a profound and transformative experience, filled with a wide range of emotions. It's essential to acknowledge and embrace these feelings as they arise, for they are an integral part of the path to becoming a mother.

Tip 6: Confide in someone - While you have your partner as a source of support, it's also essential to confide in a trusted friend. Opening up to someone you trust can provide you with invaluable emotional support and guidance during this transformative time. Moreover, sharing your journey with someone else can be a beautiful way to celebrate your future motherhood together.

Tip 7: Be around other mamas in your community - Motherhood is a transformative journey, one filled with joys, challenges, and moments that only fellow moms can truly understand. While you might be excitedly preparing for this incredible journey, there's one piece of advice that often gets overlooked: surround yourself with other mamas in your community.

Tip 8: Talk to your baby spirit- Moms who have experienced pregnancy and motherhood may have their own stories of connecting with their baby spirits before birth. Sharing these experiences with other moms can be inspiring and deepen your connection with your own baby spirit.

Tip 9: Start to rewire how you look at pregnancy - Being around other moms who have had positive birth experiences and embraced the beauty of pregnancy and motherhood can help reinforce your rewired beliefs. Their stories can serve as powerful examples of the transformative and positive aspects of this journey.

Tip 10: Start to see your vision - Have you ever heard the saying, "If you can dream it, you can achieve it"? Well, when it comes to preparing for motherhood, this saying holds true. Having a clear vision of what you want your journey to motherhood to look like can be a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams.

I hope it inspires you to start a new self-care routine!

10 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Mama - Get Prepared for The Journey with Kori Zornes

I am a VERY passionate Mama living my best life here in Bali with my family. Six years ago I started my own international wellness company, and these days I spend my time in nature with my son, cooking, connecting, and sharing mama resources with everyone around me. I am here to create a shift in the way we mother, in order to create a positive change for ourselves and for the next generation. I want mamas to feel more alive, more free and more connected.

It’s a big mission, but if us Mamas unite, I know it will change the world.

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

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Ep 5: Mama Instinct, Generational Healing and Support Systems with Nurse, Rachel Craig


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