Ep 3: Parenting by Your Child’s Unique Human Design to Help Them Thrive with Kim Sexty

Have you ever heard of Human Design? We all have a specific chart that we were born with, and we can use this to understand our true essence -- and also that of our children and family. Each person is so unique! Today we connect with Kim Sexty - a Human Design mentor who helps women and mamas step into their true highest potential. We chat about what Human Design is, how to parent using your child’s design, the difference in the 5 energy types, and how each of us has our own unique gifts and genius to contribute to this world.

After you listen, you can pull up your family's chart using this link. Send me a message over on insta: themamaculture and let me know what energy type you are! I love connecting with you, mama.

  1. What is Human design? Human Design is like a blueprint of life, it is a design of our Aura. Everything in our lives has energy, and once we start understanding our own energetic body, we slowly get into alignment with our purpose. Human Design is comprised of astrology, I-ching from ancient knowledge, kabbalah from the mystic side of Judaism, and the Chakra system, AND it also encompasses Quantum physics and Biology.

    Your chart provides a comprehensive understanding of your unique qualities, preferences, and potential. You can generate your own human design chart to unveil your personality traits, energy dynamics, and to even know how you can interact with the world. Here is the link to generate your FREE chart.

  2. Discovering Your Family’s Blueprint: As a mom, understanding your family’s human design can change how you see and approach life. Your children do not need to be fixed; they just need to be supported, and with this understanding of who they are, and how they operate, it is easier to support their natural essence. HD can revamp your approach to parenting. It’s like having a guidebook to decode each child's unique characteristics, preferences, and potential.

  3. The Five Energy Type: Kim explains the five types of Human Design – Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. You may ask yourself why your little one thrives on routine or why another may love spontaneity. Why do some kids seem to have boundless energy while others need more downtime? It's all about their Human Design type.

    Whether your child is a Manifestor, Generator, Projector, or Reflector, each type has its own strengths and challenges. And when you know your child's type, it's like uncovering a treasure map to their inner world. You can tailor your approach to parenting, education, and communication to match their individual needs. After pulling out your family’s chart - LISTEN to our podcast (link) and let us know what you think!

  4. Your Chart Shows your Unique Gifts and Genius: Human Design charts act as a portal to his innate talents and potential. When you learn about your child’s gifts and genius, you can allow them to thrive in ways that fully resonate. It’s not about putting them in a box or limiting them, but instead, it’s about creating an environment where they can truly flourish. Just like a plant needs the right soil, sunlight, and water to grow, your child's energetic makeup thrives when it's understood and nurtured.

If you're curious about Human Design for your family, dive into the podcast and learn more about how you can use this tool to complement your own intuitive parenting. Think of it as a guidebook that empowers you to be the best possible mama for your unique child. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as parenting is an ever-evolving journey -- we are all in this together. Remember, this is just a toolkit, not a rulebook, and Mama always knows best!

You are the perfect parent for your child; that’s why they CHOSE you! I hope you enjoy listening to this episode and it sparks your interest in learning about your children’s human design. Let’s all raise incredible humans who’ll LIGHT UP the world and create a massive shift!

Kim Sexty is a Human Design mentor who helps women step into their true and highest potential. She lives and breathes embodiment. Her magic lies in the ability to weave the personal expansion work into the day-to-day, allowing it to feel accessible and achievable. 
As a mum of 3 young children, she's also deeply passionate about using Human Design as a conscious parenting tool, to support parents in understanding and holding their children in their unique divine essence. She has a range of Human Design offerings, from mini programs to mentorships, personal readings to family readings.

Instagram: @kimsexty
Kim Sexty Website - Get a personalized HD reading for you or your children (use MAMACULTURE for 15%)
Get your free HD chart: My Human Design

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

Please subscribe to the pod and leave a review! Message our team @themamaculture or or email us at hello@themamaculture.com to let us know and as a thank you, I will send you a free Mama E-book that will support you on your journey! :) 

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Ep 4: 10 Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Mama - Get Prepared for The Journey!


Ep 2: Self Care for Busy Mamas - How To Put Your Well-Being First