Ep 2: Self Care for Busy Mamas - How To Put Your Well-Being First

Hey there, fellow mamas! It's time to gather around and have a heart-to-heart conversation about something that often takes a backseat in our busy lives: SELF-CARE. Yes, I know, you're probably rolling your eyes and thinking, "Who has time for self-care with a little one running around?" BUT, that’s why you’re here – to learn more about it! Isn’t it? 

In my recent solo episode, I talked about how important self-care is to us, BUSY mamas. I share why and how to make it a beautiful part of your everyday routine for long-term sustainability. 

  1. The Forgotten Art of Putting Yourself First

    As moms, we wear many hats—caretaker, chef, referee, storyteller—the list is endless. But here's the thing: amidst all these roles, we often forget the most important one—TAKING CARE of ourselves. So, let me ask you: when was the last time you had a quiet moment to sip your favorite tea or read a chapter of that book you've been eyeing? Remember, self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Prioritize tiny moments of self-care each day to have long-term sustainability in your capacity as a mama.

  2. The Ripple Effect: How Self-Care Enhances Everything

    Ever noticed how your mood affects the entire household? When we're stressed or drained, it reflects on our interactions with our little ones and partners. Now flip the coin—when we take time to recharge, we radiate positivity and patience. Your family can feel the difference when you're taking care of your emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

  3. Breaking Down Self-Care: Physical, Mental/Emotional, and Spiritual

    Did you know that self-care isn't just about pampering yourself occasionally? It encompasses three vital dimensions: physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual well-being.

    • Physical self-care involves nourishing your body with exercise, nutritious food, rest, and activities you enjoy.

    • Mental/Emotional self-care entails stimulating your mind, calming your nervous system, expressing your emotions, cultivating self-awareness, and seeking joy.

    • Spiritual self-care goes beyond religious beliefs, it involves finding purpose, connecting with something greater than yourself, and aligning actions with values. 

I know that, as mamas, we give so much love and care to our families. But it's time to shift the spotlight inward. Embrace self-care as a beautiful act of self-love and see how it transforms not only you but everyone around you. You've got this, mama! 💖

Self Care for Busy Mamas - How To Put Your Well-Being First with Kori Zornes

I am a VERY passionate Mama living my best life here in Bali with my family. Six years ago I started my own international wellness company, and these days I spend my time in nature with my son, cooking, connecting, and sharing mama resources with everyone around me. I am here to create a shift in the way we mother, in order to create a positive change for ourselves and for the next generation. I want mamas to feel more alive, more free, and more connected.

It’s a big mission, but if us Mamas unite, I know it will change the world.

Mamas, remember you are not alone. This is a village of mothers who understand, celebrate, and uplift one another. Remember that you are loved, seen, and appreciated. Motherhood is full of ups and downs, and you are doing an AMAZING job!

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Ep 3: Parenting by Your Child’s Unique Human Design to Help Them Thrive with Kim Sexty


Ep 1: How to Keep the Spark Alive - The Key to Lasting Intimacy for Parents with Megan Lambert